A practical analysis on online and offline modes of education #PART TWO

Antariksha Akhilesh Sharma
10 min readSep 13, 2020

Click here to read part one of this blog. This is the second part of “A practical analysis on online and offline modes of education”

Let’s now discuss the ways through which a student will be attracted and get distracted in both online and offline classrooms.

Attention and Distraction:

Think about this which mode provides more attention online or offline mode ? also which mode brings many distractions online or offline?

Let’s analyze one by one by being at both places.

Before we move forward let’s discuss about the types of students who will pay attention in the classrooms.

Students classification based upon paying attention in the classrooms :


The first category of students always pays attention to the class. No matter what the topic is being taught. No matter number of distractions that are present in the class they always try to pay attention to what the teacher is teaching. They not only just pay attention but also try to grasp it all. There are two types of thinking which “always” student does. The first type will think that “If I pay attention now I will directly revise before my exams therefore there is no need of much preparation afterward” second will think that “if I pay attention now it will be much easier for me to learn and revise at home that means I can prepare well and score best marks.

2) Till they can:

This is the second category of students who will pay attention to the class. Sometimes it’s hard for them to concentrate and listen to what the teacher is teaching. But they always try to pay attention in the class till they can. If there is a discontinuity in between either they will try hard or just give it up. After then till the lecture completes they will only be statues. Before letting go away their concentration they’ll say this to themselves “Hey we can do this at home and figure it out”. “We will ask our friend/teacher after the lecture”. If they have some tuition anywhere/YouTube, Google they’ll promise themselves that they can learn from there”. They get this assurance that there is still a way by which they can understand the concept and hence they discontinue paying attention.

3)If there is a will:

Here comes the third category of students. These type of students are like they will do things if they wish to do. similarly, they’ll pay attention in the class if they wish to do so.”Moody Students” is the best way to describe them. They are also fearless of any exam or oral test. A way more relaxed kind of Category. Some might decide to be relaxed by again assuring themselves about how will they achieve to understand that has been taught in the class.

4)Not even by luck:

Last category of students. These students are neither interested in the subject nor on the topic. They themselves don’t know what are they doing and for what reason. They will never pay attention to the class. What they will do is either be “Alice in Wonderland” or chat with friends, disturb the class. Now in case if any teacher, who is more strict then some members of this category will try to go in third category i.e they’ll try to pay attention because they’re afraid of the strict teacher. The second case could be where they’ll pay attention is if the teacher is teaching like a magnet. This category may turn into objects that get attracted to a magnet.

Now consider there is an offline classroom where the teacher is teaching. Why will one student pay attention to the teacher? Below are the reasons :

There are two factors responsible for both attention as well as for distraction. First is the external factor and second internal factor.

1) Subject: If a student is interested in that particular subject they are more likely to pay attention in the class. This thing totally depends on the students. First, they decide the importance of the subject and accordingly decide whether to give attention or not.

2) Matter of Interest: Sometimes even if students like that subject this may happen with them they also look at the subject’s topic. Whether it is fruitful for them or not. Some might be judging by just 1–2 minutes that it’s boring. If a student is interested in that particular topic they might feel to give attention to the topic.

Subject and matter of interest are two internal factors responsible

3) Teacher’s Presentation/delivering knowledge: The way the teacher is giving a presentation about his/her subject does matter to students. Students coming under the second and third categories for paying attention closely observe this. If the teacher is not able to deliver the knowledge precisely students ( second and third category ) think there is no meaning to pay attention and they let go of their concentration.

4) Decent Environment: If the environment is filled with silence and structured in a proper way students are more likely to pay attention in the classrooms.

Teacher’s Presentation and Decent environment comes under external factors

If the above conditions are suitable for students they are more likely to pay attention in the classrooms.

If we talk about online classrooms above factors will remain the same for recorded and live online classrooms provided a better internet connection.

“If there is attention to attention then there will be a distraction to distractions and it’s vice versa.”

How will one student get distracted in offline classrooms? Below are the reasons discussed:

1) Friend/ Neighborhood: This happens mostly while a student is interested in the class and is paying attention to what the teacher is teaching. His friend sitting next to him might not be interested in the class and so he starts making interest by murmuring into his ears, doing something that will grab the whole attention of the class towards him. Either his friend or student’s neighbor could do this. Sometimes talking with a friend may happen due to some reason but again that student is getting disturbed by him.

2) Things/ Stuff: That water bottle, bag, vehicle’s keyring, stuff from the pouch, and many such like objects when kept in front of students’ eyes can distract them very easily. Even the watch in hands and nowadays mobile phones lead in distraction for students.

3) Noise: A noisy fan inside the classroom can be so disturbing that it will not only disturb students but also to teachers. Getting distracted is so easy when compared to give attention. A single noise in the classroom can divert the attention of the whole class.

Sometimes as there is the noise inside there will be noise outside too which can disturb the whole class. Construction sound, DJ sound, shouting at corridors, etc are some outside noises that will disturb a classroom.

The above three are external factors that will divert one’s attention.

4) Internal Factor: This may be a case sometimes not always that a student might be thinking only about one particular topic rather than to pay attention in the class. It may be about the lunch that will be happening during the lunch period, it may be about the next movie that is going to be released, and much more stuff like that.

How can one student get distracted in the online classrooms? Below are the reasons.

According to Nir Eyal, author of the best-selling book “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products,” all of the most addictive products use what he calls the Hook Model to associate users’ emotions and routines to a product, prompting them to return to it time after time, without having to resort to expensive advertising.

Here a product could be an online application. Social media and other applications that keep engaging to students. Students will surf from one app to another till they find the dopamine. They are not only hooked but are habituated to use such applications. And this is one of the biggest distractions over the online learning classes.

In online classrooms, there is no side by friends but then there are applications connecting with friends. Not just school friends but also with those who are friends on their social media. No teacher can identify whether students are listening to the lecture or chatting with friends.

Sometimes screens in the hands of Students will make them nervous as some students always surf through apps from one app to another app just to find that dopamine which will satisfy their hunger. The solution for this is concentrating on the lectures even though if a student is not able to link with the teacher he/she must not quit or go away from the session. Students must be so engaged during lectures so that they must not think about going to any other applications.

Measures that students can use while learning online lectures when using a mobile device. So that they are less distracted by the mobile itself :

0) Focus: First things first! Make yourself comfortable and relaxed. Free yourself with all the distractions in your mind. Focus on the voice of the teacher and eyes on the screen. Do meditation right before attending any online lectures.

1) Notification: Closing the notifications of other applications that may arrive during lectures.

2) Data Usage: Using WiFi networks instead of using mobile data and switching on flight mode until the lectures are completed. You will be free with messages, call.

3) Environment: If possible making an isolated room for attending lectures.

Many of you may argue that infrastructure and environment couldn’t be much responsible for one’s focus. Yes, you are correct. Whether it’s online or offline it’s always about the will. If a student is willing to study he/she will study in any situation. Whether it is online live sessions or recorded ones or offline classrooms. Dedicated students will always find a way for them. Yes, there will be suffering for a few maybe some students wouldn’t get a decent connection, silent environment, a proper understanding of the topic still they’ll find some way.

The concept of attention is like when there will be more number of objects present in front of students, students are more likely to see all those objects and their focus is divided. In online learning, there are these applications that divide one’s attention. Of course at last it depends upon students whether to let go away their concentration.

During online live lectures, not all the students are not bound to study by inner motivation unless and until they have to prepare for the examination. Interested students will study anywhere as it will be their will.

A myth about Online Courses:

Niema Moshri in one of his TEDx videos he tells about this experience on an online learning platform. Where he enrolls a course on Coursera and finishes it in just five days but the course is to be finished in eleven weeks. He experimented that his aim was only to accomplish the course without actually learning it in the class. 11-week course in 5 days with 100 percentage without actually learning it. But the certificate that you get is not a very meaningful thing. So his point was that one cannot replace universities with online classes. [2]

Many students nowadays do this thing they are completing online courses to only gain certificates not to learned from these courses. Such type of practice should be avoided.

If students will be honest with themselves that they will not cheat on the exam they’ll prepare for their exams and then appear for it. Some students follow up on this strategy cause they don’t want to be in that comfort of cheating rather they would like to fail in an attempt of showing interest in exams. So here students need to be honest to themselves, to their career. Ask yourself are you studying for scoring or for excelling?

Conclusion: Online education is very cool. If a student realizes that only he needs it, then he will learn. And no one will have to force him. As it builds mostly on one’s owns effort. Education is something that a student will wish for it no matter if it is online or offline. Distractions are everywhere even online as well in offline learning it’s upon students whether to continue learning or halt it for reasons.

“If a student is facing issues, perseverance will make sure to remove them. “

IMPORTANT! : If you are a teacher or student here one request to you all please blink your eyes in between while you’re conducting an online session or attending one. Many of us like me we will forget to blink our eyes and later on these screens will cause us health-related issues.

Thank you for reading till here. Suggestions are always welcomed.

Footnotes :
1) https://youtu.be/bNZIFzl9j3Q
2) https://youtu.be/5JKgUoY9pTg

